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Database Management Systems

Dharma/SQL Gateway -- Oracle Version

Dharma Systems, Inc.

Dharma/SQL Gateway provides interoperability between a proprietary (non-SQL) Database Management System (DBMS) and an Oracle RDBMS. Dharma/SQLGateway is bi-directional, supporting the access of Oracle data from theproprietary DBMS, and the access of the proprietary DBMS data fromOracle. Dharma/SQL Gateway bridges the Oracle and the proprietary DBMSenvironment. The Gateway allows data to be exchanged bi-directionally,and enables tools of one environment to access data in the other.Dharma/SQL Gateway enables execution of distributed SQL queries which canjoin data between Oracle and the proprietary DBMS. Dharma/SQL Gatewayrequires Dharma/SQL Access to interface with the proprietary DBMS.Dharma/SQL Gateway requires the Distributed SQL support provided byDharma/SQL and Oracle to provide database interoperability. A SQLstatement with inferences to foreign tables is executed transparently byboth the Dharma and Oracle environments. Both environments allow anyform of a distributed query, including distributed multiway joins betweenlocal and foreign tables. Dharma's Distributed SQL support isimplemented by translating a SQL statement into a relational algebraictree, and then partitioning the tree into subtrees depending on thedistribution of the tables. The subtrees are generated to minimize thedata transferred on the network, resulting in an optimized execution ofthe distributed query. The subtrees are then translated into an SQL formthat is compatible with the foreign database and transported on thenetwork for remote execution.Dharma/SQL Gateway provides interoperability between the tools of oneenvironment and the database of the other environment through distributedSQL support. An Oracle tool does not directly access the proprietaryDBMS. It accesses the Oracle DBMS with a query which references remotetables located in the proprietary DBMS. It is the SQL translators ofDharma/SQL and Oracle which recognize the presence of requests to remotetables and provide the required transparency. Since the tools accessremote data through their own database environment, the complexity of thegateway interoperability is reduced, providing a more robustimplementation of the gateway.Dharma/SQL Gateway has been designed to minimize the translationsrequired for interoperability. The minimization of the required SQLtranslations provides performance which is close to the distributedperformance of two homogeneous databases. Dharma/SQL Gateway requiresDharma/SQL Access to map ANSI and Oracle compatible SQL into theproprietary storage interfaces. Dharma/SQL Gateway requires an OracleDBMS Version 6.0 running on the network to forward and receive remoterequests. The Oracle DBMS is required for providing interoperabilitybetween Oracle tools and the proprietary DBMS. Dharma/SQL Gatewayrequires Oracle's SQL*Net TCP/IP product to provide the networkconnection between the two environments.Dharma/SQL Gateway is implemented in C++ using object-orientedmethodology. This significantly improves the extensibility andmaintainability of the system. The system is architected forextensibility to be upward-compatible with new releases of Oracle DBMS,Oracle API and Network Transport protocols.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Dharma/SQL Access
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Dharma Systems, Inc.
15 Trafalgar Sq
Nashua, NH 03063
Phone: (603) 886-1400
Fax: (603) 883-6904